
What are Cookies?

We use the term cookie to describe cookies and similar technologies such as tags and pixels. Cookies are small data files that websites place on your computer, laptop or mobile device.

Our use of Cookies

We use Cookies to facilitate the use of PHP sessions, which drives user authentication on POD, and to access the website, which provides graph generation functionality to POD.

What Cookies do we use?

We use the PHPSESSID cookie to store a POD session identifier on your computer whilst you use POD. This allows you to use the POD database securely.

We use the CloudFlare  __cfduid cookie to allow POD unblocked access to the website, which provides graph generating functionality to POD.

Blocking or restricting Cookies

You can stop Cookies being used on your device by activating the setting on your browser that allows you to block the deployment of all or some Cookies. Please visit to find out how. Please note, if you use your browser settings to block Cookies you may not be able to access all or parts of our site.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the content of this notice you can contact us at:

Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families
The Kantor Centre of Excellence
4-8 Rodney Street,
N1 9JH